a new learning place for Regenerating Soil and Soul
Newsletter #12 - Imbolc - Feb. 2023 Read online

Dear ,

Om onze tijd en energie te sparen, sturen wij vanaf nu onze nieuwsbrief alleen nog maar in het Engels. Dank voor je begrip!

The winds have been wild the last few weeks here in Ireland as the winter storms brought gale force winds tunnelling through the mountains. Now a notable shift seems to be in the air. The land is stirring from its winter slumber, and the first signs of life emerge: buds are beginning to swell on the willow whips that we planted last year, the golden yellow catkins of the hazel trees are slowly opening and the first tiny bluebell shoots can be found underneath a blanket of leaves and ferns on the hill. The first snowdrops are peaking through… This clearly marks the tide of Imbolc.


Imbolc, celebrated in early February, marks the midway point between winter solstice and spring equinox and is a cherished festival in Ireland. As the wheel of the year turns and winter gives way to the promise of new life, the Irish people for centuries have honoured Brigid, the Celtic Goddess associated with fertility, creativity, and the warming rays of the returning sun. Over the centuries Brigid transitioned from a pagan goddess to a Christian saint, reflecting the cultural fusion that occurred during Ireland's conversion to Christianity. 

A remarkable aspect of Imbolc celebrations is the crafting of Brigid's Crosses. These woven crosses, traditionally made from rushes or straw, are symbolic of protection and are often hung in homes to ward off evil spirits. At Terranu we are burning last year's crosses and braiding new ones to foster a sense of renewal, creativity, and hope as Imbolc unfolds.

Around the Farm

As we send you this newsletter we are in the thick of Aronia planting! We have spent many hours cutting back rhododendrons and freed several surprise trees that were buried under it. We are installing a deer fence around the perimeter of the fields and planting 2000 plants. Because of the land conditions we have decided to do this manually, but luckily we have several pairs of hands joining us to jump in with the many jobs at hand. Keep an eye on our socials for some updates in the coming days.

Above: A Frame - Measuring out the primary contour line on which to base our planting.

Below: Digging 2000 holes by hand, with high spirits and help from volunteers!


Finally! We are excited to host our first open work week at Terranu between April 27 and May 5 (exact arrival and departure tbc) We are looking for some specific skills to contribute to a “barn raising” ! The projects will include putting a roof on the workshop, along with some other construction projects on the farm and in the garden. If you are comfortable with power tools, are willing to work hard and get dirty and feel inspired to come and help us, do get in touch! Due to accommodation and very basic infrastructure we are not able to host families during this week. Write to us here for more info!

Community Investment Circle

As we mentioned in the last newsletters we are still actively looking for investors for the Terranu crowdlending. This form of community mortgage was inspired by a similar project in Spain, and we are thrilled to announce that we have secured 45% of the total needed funding. If you like to read our full brochure please visit our website. We warmly invite you to share this with people in your circles who might be interested in supporting a project like this.

Read our brochure

With love from the Terranu team,

Nakyta, Sarah, Pieter & Merijn

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Crooked Bridge, Glenaknockaun West, Lismore, Ireland